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第一共和银行(First Republic Bank):每笔交易佣金 8.95 美元,无开户费。 (美国第一共和银行)





第一共和银行的网上交易平台提供便捷和低成本的股票交易。每笔交易的固定佣金 8.95 美元,使其对于交易量较少的投资者具有吸引力。


每笔交易低成本(8.95 美元)无开户费方便的网上平台














美国加息是众多经济学家早在几年前就已经预测好的,目的是通过加息行为,吸引全球资本回美国。 很多经济学家,还把这种行为理解为美国在收割全球的韭菜。 比如:针对中国,美国加息可以导致中国外汇外流美国;针对欧盟,可以令美元升值,让由美元定价的欧洲必需品——石油和天然气价格上涨,起到敲打欧盟的作用;同时,还会让很多小国家资本外流,本币信用度下降,让美元重回霸权地位。


然而,美国加息似乎每一脚都踩到坑里。 一季度,美国GDP增长只有1%,当时通胀率接近6%,美债利息已经飙到4.3%,如果要靠加息抵消通胀率,得加息到6%,这简直是天方夜谭。 美国为啥这么倒霉呢?





加息意味着大家不用投资,只需要把钱放在银行里就可以盈利。 通胀又让企业投资利益受损,进一步收紧投资,不贷款了。 这样一来,银行拿着大笔资金要支付储户的利息,另一方面,贷款发放不出去,导致收支不平衡,面临亏损。 所以大量银行又把钱投入利息高昂的美债,成为了美债的接盘侠。

然而,美国舆论是不受控制的,关于银行亏掉本金的谣言一旦开始传播,美国人就开始疯狂的挤兑。 这样就导致美国的银行接连出现问题,之前有硅谷银行,现在是第一共和国银行,故事基本都如出一辙。

中国不加息,其实是对的。 不知道有没有和我一样是做生意的朋友。 此前,我们小微企业要到银行贷款,求爷爷告奶奶都不一定能贷到。 但是最近,银行开始给我们企业主打电话,主动推销贷款业务,而且授信额度还不低。 不加息,正好是在这个大家都不怎么敢投资的时期,降低银行盈利压力的正确手段。 美式金融学,这一次,反而没有显露出我们中国人的智慧。

英文版:Why do banks in the United States go bankrupt so easily? Crazy interest rate hikes, bringing down capitalists.

Another U.S. bank is at risk of bankruptcy. First Republic Bank has already reached the brink of bankruptcy, dragging down numerous bank capitalists with it. Just last month, 11 large U.S. banks injected $30 billion in deposits into First Republic Bank. If First Republic Bank goes bankrupt, it is unclear whether there will be further chain reactions.

At first, people thought that the U.S. interest rate hike was to reap benefits from around the world.

The U.S. interest rate hike was predicted by many economists several years ago, with the aim of attracting global capital back to the United States through this action. Many economists also interpret this behavior as the United States reaping benefits from around the world. For example, regarding China, the interest rate hike can cause Chinas foreign exchange to flow out to the United States; concerning the European Union, it can cause the appreciation of the dollar, leading to price increases for European necessities priced-in dollars such as oil and natural gas, thereby putting pressure on the European Union. At the same time, it will cause capital outflow from many small countries, lead to a decrease in domestic currency credit ratings, and allow the U.S. dollar to regain its dominant position.

Raising interest rates has made it difficult for the United States to get off its tiger, but China is instead a knight riding on a tiger.

However, the U.S. interest rate hike seems to have stumbled at every step. In the first quarter, U.S. GDP growth was only 1%, while inflation was close to 6% and U.S. bond interest rates had soared to 4.3%. If they were to use interest rate hikes to counteract inflation, they would need to raise interest rates to 6%, which is simply impossible. Why is the United States so unlucky?

The first stumbling block was when China announced that cryptocurrency transactions were illegal, which caused turmoil in the global digital currency market. Various digital currencies plummeted, leading to a flow of US dollars locked in digital assets back into the American market, exacerbating inflation.

The second stumbling block was when China did the opposite of other countries by announcing a reserve requirement ratio cut. Instead of tightening up funds, it released funds, further leading to a flow of US dollars back into the United States.

The third stumbling block was when China and Japan continued to sell off U.S. bonds, which were then picked up by Americans themselves. The pressure of high interest payments on one hand and unstoppable inflation on the other all came down to the banking industry.

Interest rate hikes have caused a decline in the Profitability of the banking industry.

Interest rate hikes mean that people dont need to invest, they can simply earn profits by keeping their money in the bank. However, inflation damages investment interests of enterprises, which further tightens up investment and leads to lower lending. As a result, banks have to pay interest to depositors on one hand but are unable to issue loans, resulting in an imbalance of income and expenses and facing losses. So many banks invest their funds in high-interest U.S. bonds, becoming the buyers of those bonds.

However, the American media is uncontrollable, and once rumors begin to spread about banks losing their capital, Americans begin to frantically run on banks. This results in a wave of problems for U.S. banks, first Silicon Valley Bank, now First Republic Bank, all following similar patterns.

Its right for China not to raise interest rates. I wonder if anyone else, like me, is doing business. In the past, small and micro-enterprises had a hard time getting loans from banks, even after begging and pleading. But recently, banks have been calling us entrepreneurs to actively promote their loan businesses, and the credit limits are not low. Not raising interest rates is a correct approach to reduce banking profitability pressure during this period when few people dare to invest. The American-style finance, this time, has not shown wisdom like our Chinese.



The English translation for“第一共和银行”is First Republic Bank. Below are detailed descriptions of the bank.


Republic Bank简介

First Republic Bank是一家总部位于美国旧金山的银行,成立于1985年。 它是一家高端、高服务质量的银行,目标客户包括富裕人士、高净值客户和中小企业主。 First Republic Bank以个性化服务和优秀的客户体验为品牌特色,在业界享有很高的声誉。

Republic Bank的发展历程

随着时间的推移,First Republic Bank逐渐成长为一家在美国境内拥有超过70个分支机构、资产超过1000亿美元的知名银行。 2007年,由于CBS集团出售First Republic Bank收购该银行的唯一股份,First Republic Bank再度成为一家独立银行。 目前,First Republic Bank在美国的主要市场包括旧金山湾区、洛杉矶、纽约、波士顿、迈阿密等城市。

Republic Bank的金融产品和服务

First Republic Bank的金融产品和服务主要包括个人银行、财富管理、商业银行、房屋贷款、私人银行和国际个人银行等方面。 个人银行方面,First Republic Bank提供支票账户、储蓄账户、信用卡、个人贷款等服务。 商业银行方面,First Republic Bank的服务包括商业贷款和商业账户。

Republic Bank的服务优势

First Republic Bank以其全球一流的财富管理团队和积极响应客户需求的高效服务而闻名。 对于中小企业主,First Republic Bank提供量身定制的保险和贷款解决方案,还可以提供针对不同行业的专业知识和建议。

总之,First Republic Bank以其高端、个性化和优质的服务,成为了美国金融服务行业典范之一。

美国的银行有哪些 美国有哪些银行

普斯派瑞蒂银行/Prosperity BancsharesSignature银行/Signature Bank道富集团/State Street社区银行系统/Community Bank System夏威夷银行/Bank of Hawaii第一共和银行/First Republic BankSVB金融集团/SVB Financial GroupBankUnited银行/BankUnited华美银行集团/East West Bancorp商业银行/Commerce Bancshares库伦佛寺银行/Cullen/Frost Bankers联合社区银行/United Community Banks第一银行/BancFirstHilltop银行/Hilltop纽约梅隆银行/Bank of New York MellonUMB金融/UMB Financial德州资本股份银行/Texas Capital Bancshares中心银行公司/Central Bancompany乌姆普夸控股/Umpqua Holdings第一资本金融/Capital One Financial

